1. Larry Page and Sergey Brin initially hostile.
For those who are equally intelligent, LP and SB are two people who often argue with each other even for small matters such as who should shut the door or who is more used to reading the newspaper. Tiff like this are often interfere with friends of their fraternity brothers. Apparently they are fighting not for hating each other, but they were accustomed to each other competitively. After all, their little fights always ended laugh together:)
2. Sergey Brin is more coquettish than Larry Page
If a woman's, Larry Page were more conservative than Sergey Brin.
3. Google founders never frustrating.
After a row is rejected AltaVista, Excite, and (last) Yahoo, LP and SB are equally frustrated. Make them Google's Page Rank technology such as wilting before developing. They never dreamed that Google will be for now. At that time their minds just one: complete their Phd immediately and improve Google as we go along. Even sangking frustration, Google had not ogled for 1 week.
4. LP and SB when menggojlok Eric Schmidt on Google's first office.
SB LP and Eric work on plotting a way to distribute free of charge credit card company to its employees. Of course Eric dizziness, and additional work: pull back the credit cards from employees who are also trying to hide. Another day with Eric dikerjai suddenly there was a pay phone in his office. Also Refrigerators and chair massage. If Eric does not have a sense of humor, can be flipped him. But he was conscious of being dikerjai two founders. So sing sane ngalah ....
5. False story for the company's name
Google's original name was published by the company as one writes a story from the word Googol, which means the number 1 followed by 100 zeros into Google. In fact, according to leaks of an employee of Google, is Google the word comes from the word "Go Girl!", Where Sergey Brin one day get the idea when watching sporting events with a shout Cherleader Go Girl! Go Girl! (gogel) The story of this dubious fact supported 2: Sergey Brin likes to watch the Cherleader, and second: Google sponsoring the writing Cherleader by placing Google at the Cherleader shirts. Why have created a false story that makes sense, because the negative connotations that GoGirl incompatible with the image of the company if one day want to go public.
6. Larry Page wanted to make automatic Transportation Equipment, Sergey Brin to create a colony on Mars.
This in the future really be realized. At least, try to be realized. The idea began with Larry electric car project, the idea expressed by Sergey Project Virgle.
7. Signs ~ more powerful than the sign * are rarely used.
Formerly the DOS era was glorious, a * very useful to find all files that named specific. Now in his era DOS Internet (Google) the sign ~ replaces the wildcard function with a little bit important difference: more intelligent. Signs ~ if typed in front of a particular word, means we want Google to search all the data related to specific keywords and sinonimnya. For example ~ motor, then all pages containing the word motor and sinonimnya, such as motor show, motorcycle, or motor boats will be displayed.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Chicken first? Egg first? This her answers!
From now on you do not have confusion. Classic puzzle between first egg or chicken may be answered with the first discovery of fossil dinosaur nests in Canada. In nests made 77 million years ago was still clearly visible marks collection of five eggs.
"Characteristics of the nest is similar to a bird's nest," said Francois Therrein, one paleontologist from the Royal Tyrell Museum, Alberta, Canada. This means that the first dinosaurs to make a nest as a place to lay their eggs before the birds do. So far, some experts still assume that the evolution of birds evolved from dinosaurs.
The size of the nest about two feet in diameter and estimated to weigh 50 kilograms. In it there are at least 12 former eggshell each measuring 12 centimeters long and well-organized and led to a point.
"Based on the shape of eggs and nests, we believe that artificial nests or caenagnathid a small raptor, they are both meat eaters and have a close kinship with the birds," said Darla Zelenetsky, another researcher from the University of Calgary, Canada.
Studied since Zelenetsky stored at Fossil Canada Limited Calgary in the 1990s. Previously he thought the fossil nests are made of a beaked herbivorous dinosaur duck. However, after studying more carefully, it is known that the most likely lair of a group of theropods which were the ancestors of birds.
"Characteristics of the nest is similar to a bird's nest," said Francois Therrein, one paleontologist from the Royal Tyrell Museum, Alberta, Canada. This means that the first dinosaurs to make a nest as a place to lay their eggs before the birds do. So far, some experts still assume that the evolution of birds evolved from dinosaurs.
The size of the nest about two feet in diameter and estimated to weigh 50 kilograms. In it there are at least 12 former eggshell each measuring 12 centimeters long and well-organized and led to a point.
"Based on the shape of eggs and nests, we believe that artificial nests or caenagnathid a small raptor, they are both meat eaters and have a close kinship with the birds," said Darla Zelenetsky, another researcher from the University of Calgary, Canada.
Studied since Zelenetsky stored at Fossil Canada Limited Calgary in the 1990s. Previously he thought the fossil nests are made of a beaked herbivorous dinosaur duck. However, after studying more carefully, it is known that the most likely lair of a group of theropods which were the ancestors of birds.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Poetry MAKE girl in my HEART
The work of my poems
My always wondered in my heart
where my true love ...Where Again, I have to find love?-There are no heed my replyMaybe it was my destiny path
love without being loved &
love without affection
My people know I'm just stupid
who expect love from you ...
though I know you're not supposed to
Oh god how I love the way this pain- NOBODY LOVES ME --
Friday, February 19, 2010
Human "Winged" Flying Cross the English Channel
LONDON, FRIDAY - Yves Rossi (49) finally accomplished also fly across the English Channel using homemade mechanical wings. Swiss citizen men landed safely after a shot from Calais (France) to Dover (England) as far as 35.4 miles.
The former military pilot was finished in just 10 minutes. Although flying off with a jet engine on his back when terpanggul action melakuan, he still must be landed with his parachute.
The man who calls himself the first time since Fusionman exhibited wing design some time ago that inspired Louis Blériot. French pilots are known to be the first person to fly solo across the English Channel using his plane.
Yves effort was delayed twice this week because the weather is less supportive. However, with confidence, he jumped from a plane that took him to the height of 2600 meters Friday (26 / 9).
He said the weather was perfect today and make it fly like a bird. With hands and head he mengandalikan flight. He hopes to fly at the speed reaches 200 kilometers per hour.
Wing has made the boosters on the back. He uses khsuus clothes and helmets to protect it from heat and pressure.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Million dollar Garments
Here's one more paradigm of the latest trend from the Midas Kingdom.

Take a look at the outfits that were fitted with more than 1,500 Austrian gold coins! Designed by students from a Tokyo design school, Bunka Fashion College, the outfits were shimmering and the models looked like fishes with dazzling golden scales!

The coins were lent by the Austrian Mint Office and worth more than $1.2 million.

They were sewn onto three pieces of apparel - a full-length dress weighing 10 kg (22 pounds) and two jackets weighing up to 21 kg (46 pounds).
About 30 This Woman .. MUST READ
30 This About Women
1. When sorang woman said she was sad, but he does not exude tears, it means she's crying in her heart.
2. If he does not bother you after you hurt him, you better give him time to compose her original before you reprimand by saying sorry.
3. Women difficult to mencar items about people he hates most he unfortunately (because it was a lot of women are heartbroken when the relationship broke up in the middle of the road).
4. If sorang woman falls in love with a man, he would always exist in fikirannya though he was out with another man.
5. When the man she loved and love reflected in the sharp eye, he would like a brown liquid!
6. Women just love to praise but always do not know how to accept praise.
7. If you do not like the girl who sukakamu half dead, resist with the gentle love, do not berkasar because there is one spirit in her that you will not know if he made the decision easy, he'll do anything.
8. If sorang girls began to distance themselves from you after you reject his love, let him for once. If you still want to consider him a friend, try admonished him gently.
9. Women like to vomit what they think. Muzik, poetry, painting and writing is the easiest way they vomit their guts.
10. Do not occasionally tell women that they are not directly useful.
11. Being too serious can turn off the mood of women.
12. When the first man she loved in silence, giving a positive response, such as contact by telephone, the girl would be indifferent as if he was not interested, but just as good as the algae are placed, he would scream and joy! less than ten minutes, all the movement-rakannya will know the news.
13. Far smile gives meaning to a thousand wanita.Jadi do not smile at random.
14. If you like a woman, try starting with persahabatan.Kemudian let him know you more deeply.
15. If a woman gives a thousand and one reasons every time you take out, leave him because he was not interested in you.
16. But if in the same period he was in touch or waiting for a call from you, please continue your efforts to get him.
17. Do occasional dirasakannya.Tanya think what he himself!
18. After sorang girl fall in love, she will often ask tertanya I do not see kenapalah this guy early.
19. If you still tercari for the most romantic way to attract girls sorang heart, try diligent, industrious hands to open the books love.
20. If each time drawing out the class, the first object sought by the woman who was standing next to her fruit, and then himself.
21. Former male friend will always exist in fikirannya man she loved but now will be in place especially in the heart of!
22. One greeting 'Hi' lighten enough day.
23. Just good friends who knew what he was feeling and going through.
24. The most hated woman man be nice with their son solely their friends tackle the most beautiful.
25. Love mean loyalty, get tough, honest and happiness without any compromise.
26. All women want a man who love them with all my heart ..
27. Weapons women are tears!
28. Women like it when the occasional person who cared a surprise for him (gifts, flowers or just a romantic greeting card). They will feel touched and felt that he loved this hati.Dengan sincere he would not hesitate to you.
29. Women easily fall in love with a man who took the weight of them and good terhadapnya.So, if you want to appeal to smart intelligent woman.
30. Actually easy to please a woman because of what he wanted was a feeling loved and cherished soul
1. When sorang woman said she was sad, but he does not exude tears, it means she's crying in her heart.
2. If he does not bother you after you hurt him, you better give him time to compose her original before you reprimand by saying sorry.
3. Women difficult to mencar items about people he hates most he unfortunately (because it was a lot of women are heartbroken when the relationship broke up in the middle of the road).
4. If sorang woman falls in love with a man, he would always exist in fikirannya though he was out with another man.
5. When the man she loved and love reflected in the sharp eye, he would like a brown liquid!
6. Women just love to praise but always do not know how to accept praise.
7. If you do not like the girl who sukakamu half dead, resist with the gentle love, do not berkasar because there is one spirit in her that you will not know if he made the decision easy, he'll do anything.
8. If sorang girls began to distance themselves from you after you reject his love, let him for once. If you still want to consider him a friend, try admonished him gently.
9. Women like to vomit what they think. Muzik, poetry, painting and writing is the easiest way they vomit their guts.
10. Do not occasionally tell women that they are not directly useful.
11. Being too serious can turn off the mood of women.
12. When the first man she loved in silence, giving a positive response, such as contact by telephone, the girl would be indifferent as if he was not interested, but just as good as the algae are placed, he would scream and joy! less than ten minutes, all the movement-rakannya will know the news.
13. Far smile gives meaning to a thousand wanita.Jadi do not smile at random.
14. If you like a woman, try starting with persahabatan.Kemudian let him know you more deeply.
15. If a woman gives a thousand and one reasons every time you take out, leave him because he was not interested in you.
16. But if in the same period he was in touch or waiting for a call from you, please continue your efforts to get him.
17. Do occasional dirasakannya.Tanya think what he himself!
18. After sorang girl fall in love, she will often ask tertanya I do not see kenapalah this guy early.
19. If you still tercari for the most romantic way to attract girls sorang heart, try diligent, industrious hands to open the books love.
20. If each time drawing out the class, the first object sought by the woman who was standing next to her fruit, and then himself.
21. Former male friend will always exist in fikirannya man she loved but now will be in place especially in the heart of!
22. One greeting 'Hi' lighten enough day.
23. Just good friends who knew what he was feeling and going through.
24. The most hated woman man be nice with their son solely their friends tackle the most beautiful.
25. Love mean loyalty, get tough, honest and happiness without any compromise.
26. All women want a man who love them with all my heart ..
27. Weapons women are tears!
28. Women like it when the occasional person who cared a surprise for him (gifts, flowers or just a romantic greeting card). They will feel touched and felt that he loved this hati.Dengan sincere he would not hesitate to you.
29. Women easily fall in love with a man who took the weight of them and good terhadapnya.So, if you want to appeal to smart intelligent woman.
30. Actually easy to please a woman because of what he wanted was a feeling loved and cherished soul
Mr Clean 4 of Indonesia MUST SEE
How can our officials lifestyle? If you imagine that the lives of all officials in Indonesia,
assumption is certainly wrong. Yes, collusion between officials, businessmen who brought the jingle of money - not a secret anymore. But, it turns out - it was a secret that there are less exposed to a handful of officials who lived simply.
Examples are:
1. Prof. Dr. Emil Salim
Although three times a ministe
r - Minister of Communications, Minister of State for Development Supervision and the Environment (PPLH) and the State Minister of Population and Environment (KLH) - Emil just never thought to buy a house during took office. He lived in the home office facilities provided by the state.
Previously, the nephew of H. Agus Salim is, it already has a house on Jl. Tosari No. 75. Purchased in 1968, the house was contracted out.
Of the contract, Emil received a byproduct
When pulled from the vortex of power in 1993, doctorate in economics
alumnus of the University of California, was forced out of home offices.
As a result, he had felt bitter, do not have a house. "I also
thinking to buy a house, "the story of this ICMI board.
Finally, he bought a house for shelter for himself and his wife.
"If the kids maybe they brought their husbands,"
he said. At the beginning of moving to a new house, according to an activist
NGOs are close to him, Emil does not have household
a lot. "He got it difficult to buy a bed," the story of activist
Apart from the various sources of income, Emil admitted, now he and
family life of rented houses.
The simplicity and the straight life dikukuhi Emil Salim, making
Noor Bahar SE Zainul praised. "Emil Salim was as clean with
other clean officials. He technocrats who are not interested in money, "
CEO praises Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) was
2. Mar'ie Muhammad

Mar'ie Muhammad was simple and impressive officials mentioned clean. The simplicity of this Finance Minister, reflected by the daily appearance: wearing a safari into the office and more pleased with the holster and elephant seal Sitting Mango, when at home.
In fact, he also stressed the simplicity of his family. Example, according to her youngest daughter Rahmasari, former Director General of Taxation does not allow their children to use a car to campus or to school. He also took his family chose berumroh - like he's doing now - than the rah-rah out of the country.
Simple addition, he is known firm and straight. For example, he never
tactical budget is rejected and the cost of official travel, which
dinilainya too big. On the other hand, he is a fan of jogging
to improve the efficiency and trying to stem the leaks in the institutions they lead. Not surprisingly, he called Mr. Clean.
3. Satrio Budihardjo Joedono

During the trade minister took office, in his study
structured ceramic jars and several paintings. But, he admitted buying
on credit, to his favorite object. "I can not afford
buy it, "he said.
Simplicity was his umbrella. While still living in the complex
housing minister, not his living room scented luxury. In space
guest house was numbered 25, just look at the table flower arrangements
guests. In the garage, there are three cars. Only one had, the car
old. Whereas the other two cars as a minister and inventory
BPPT loans.
Simplicity troubling time. This is because Billy familiar with
briefcase brown color has faded. Officers also
replace it with a new bag when he faced the court. He
accept the gift bags but still carries a tattered bag.
In fact, he tucks the bag was not awkward or uncomfortable with shabby
trade ministers from other countries, the meeting of Economic Cooperation
Asia Pacific, November 1994 The man who friends called Billy, too
known firm and straight. He does not serve the documents that do not meet the
complete requirements. Billy was known to chew thoroughly in the report
subordinates. "For two times two is four, not eight," this
principle of his life.
4. Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja

Minister of State for the Environment is known simple and straightforward. Confessing stressed
simple lifestyle to his family, Sarwono feel lucky
with the simplicity of it. "We're not trapped, so consumer
apart from the desire to do things outside the self.
Corruption is a form sufficient effort beyond
family finances. "Sarwono also has a principle will not buy
less useful goods and auction items. "This is the message parents
me before he died because he thought the owner's auction items
are forced to sell. We do not live in the suffering of people
the other. "Sarwono himself admitted he does not clean well from
behavior. But when compared with the others, he felt
grateful to be in a better condition. "I am pleased to say
clean, but I think I'm quite a bit of clean-lah, "he said.
Various trials experienced figure above in the task. They
acknowledge the temptation comes in the form of the vulgar to the
smooth. Vulgar temptation, for example, in the form of katabelece.
Similarly subtle temptation in the form of parcel post at the time
Lebaran. Unlike the plurality parcel, the contents of this gift basket
among other checks. Billy took office during the trade minister
always receive a gift in the form of a check value.
How can they shake off a barrage of tips 'temptation' that is sent?
Billy's first screening received parcel. "If parcelnya
contents ordinary but when we received our check was rejected, "
Ani Joedono story, the wife of Billy. Check the shipment did not
immediately returned to the sender. But, Billy and his wife,
collecting the album. "They say you are for a souvenir,"
Ani said.
Similarly, experienced Emil Salim. During took office, he
recounts, initially people give flowers. Then, said Emil describes,
increased to food, pens, watches, and then in the form of
other goods. "The important thing first six months. After six months
First you accept that position, you have to give signals
(the signs), "he said.
How did he deflect these gifts? "The important six months
first to determine. After the first six months we have received
position, we must give signals, "he reveals
experience. In accepting the gift, he said, should
there is a fine line. "Tell me more than this, no!" But, "we do not need
shout to say but politely. "Thus, people
will see face to face with anyone.
After that, he said, then explained, "hey man, this is the oath of office. By Allah I swear that I will not accept a gift with any excuses. Anyway that oath very heavy." Not just those who want to realize
'bribe', Emil was expressed, as head of the family must
discipline all the family. Similarly, in order to become an example for
family. "So we have to explain to all the families," he said.
Nevertheless, Emil restore simple and honest attitude that,
the sense of one's religiousness. He feels fortunate to have
childhood religious education of both parents. Education was also
and then passed on to their children. "At the office's
lies between Dzuhur and Asr time.
How may we pray,
the Lord Almighty while there is money in your pocket
begituan? "Emil gave illustrations. On the other hand, he warned,
Either we should not make the child's respect because of missing
our behavior. "Poor, because of our actions, they are in school
the subject of rumors of his friends the other. "Emil, Sarwono,
Ma'rie, and Billy, a few figures mentioned
simple and clean. However, there are rows of brass
that have high integrity and dedication to
In fact, had occurred to people's expectations, not only on officials
a simple bertype, also for those who had already wealthy
before it took office. Just to mention an example, the entrepreneur A. Latief
which took office, the minister of labor. With the rich first,
Thus the general expectations of society, they are even more dedicated
their work.
Yes, simplicity does not guarantee full honesty and dedication
officials. Emil Salim was admitted. "But we will not want to be
kere. Normal. Each person would want to have a car, but how
normal. How to obtain wealth not to price yourself
lost, "he advised.
assumption is certainly wrong. Yes, collusion between officials, businessmen who brought the jingle of money - not a secret anymore. But, it turns out - it was a secret that there are less exposed to a handful of officials who lived simply.
Examples are:
1. Prof. Dr. Emil Salim
Although three times a ministe
Previously, the nephew of H. Agus Salim is, it already has a house on Jl. Tosari No. 75. Purchased in 1968, the house was contracted out.
Of the contract, Emil received a byproduct
When pulled from the vortex of power in 1993, doctorate in economics
alumnus of the University of California, was forced out of home offices.
As a result, he had felt bitter, do not have a house. "I also
thinking to buy a house, "the story of this ICMI board.
Finally, he bought a house for shelter for himself and his wife.
"If the kids maybe they brought their husbands,"
he said. At the beginning of moving to a new house, according to an activist
NGOs are close to him, Emil does not have household
a lot. "He got it difficult to buy a bed," the story of activist
Apart from the various sources of income, Emil admitted, now he and
family life of rented houses.
The simplicity and the straight life dikukuhi Emil Salim, making
Noor Bahar SE Zainul praised. "Emil Salim was as clean with
other clean officials. He technocrats who are not interested in money, "
CEO praises Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) was
2. Mar'ie Muhammad
Mar'ie Muhammad was simple and impressive officials mentioned clean. The simplicity of this Finance Minister, reflected by the daily appearance: wearing a safari into the office and more pleased with the holster and elephant seal Sitting Mango, when at home.
In fact, he also stressed the simplicity of his family. Example, according to her youngest daughter Rahmasari, former Director General of Taxation does not allow their children to use a car to campus or to school. He also took his family chose berumroh - like he's doing now - than the rah-rah out of the country.
Simple addition, he is known firm and straight. For example, he never
tactical budget is rejected and the cost of official travel, which
dinilainya too big. On the other hand, he is a fan of jogging
to improve the efficiency and trying to stem the leaks in the institutions they lead. Not surprisingly, he called Mr. Clean.
3. Satrio Budihardjo Joedono
During the trade minister took office, in his study
structured ceramic jars and several paintings. But, he admitted buying
on credit, to his favorite object. "I can not afford
buy it, "he said.
Simplicity was his umbrella. While still living in the complex
housing minister, not his living room scented luxury. In space
guest house was numbered 25, just look at the table flower arrangements
guests. In the garage, there are three cars. Only one had, the car
old. Whereas the other two cars as a minister and inventory
BPPT loans.
Simplicity troubling time. This is because Billy familiar with
briefcase brown color has faded. Officers also
replace it with a new bag when he faced the court. He
accept the gift bags but still carries a tattered bag.
In fact, he tucks the bag was not awkward or uncomfortable with shabby
trade ministers from other countries, the meeting of Economic Cooperation
Asia Pacific, November 1994 The man who friends called Billy, too
known firm and straight. He does not serve the documents that do not meet the
complete requirements. Billy was known to chew thoroughly in the report
subordinates. "For two times two is four, not eight," this
principle of his life.
4. Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja
Minister of State for the Environment is known simple and straightforward. Confessing stressed
simple lifestyle to his family, Sarwono feel lucky
with the simplicity of it. "We're not trapped, so consumer
apart from the desire to do things outside the self.
Corruption is a form sufficient effort beyond
family finances. "Sarwono also has a principle will not buy
less useful goods and auction items. "This is the message parents
me before he died because he thought the owner's auction items
are forced to sell. We do not live in the suffering of people
the other. "Sarwono himself admitted he does not clean well from
behavior. But when compared with the others, he felt
grateful to be in a better condition. "I am pleased to say
clean, but I think I'm quite a bit of clean-lah, "he said.
Various trials experienced figure above in the task. They
acknowledge the temptation comes in the form of the vulgar to the
smooth. Vulgar temptation, for example, in the form of katabelece.
Similarly subtle temptation in the form of parcel post at the time
Lebaran. Unlike the plurality parcel, the contents of this gift basket
among other checks. Billy took office during the trade minister
always receive a gift in the form of a check value.
How can they shake off a barrage of tips 'temptation' that is sent?
Billy's first screening received parcel. "If parcelnya
contents ordinary but when we received our check was rejected, "
Ani Joedono story, the wife of Billy. Check the shipment did not
immediately returned to the sender. But, Billy and his wife,
collecting the album. "They say you are for a souvenir,"
Ani said.
Similarly, experienced Emil Salim. During took office, he
recounts, initially people give flowers. Then, said Emil describes,
increased to food, pens, watches, and then in the form of
other goods. "The important thing first six months. After six months
First you accept that position, you have to give signals
(the signs), "he said.
How did he deflect these gifts? "The important six months
first to determine. After the first six months we have received
position, we must give signals, "he reveals
experience. In accepting the gift, he said, should
there is a fine line. "Tell me more than this, no!" But, "we do not need
shout to say but politely. "Thus, people
will see face to face with anyone.
After that, he said, then explained, "hey man, this is the oath of office. By Allah I swear that I will not accept a gift with any excuses. Anyway that oath very heavy." Not just those who want to realize
'bribe', Emil was expressed, as head of the family must
discipline all the family. Similarly, in order to become an example for
family. "So we have to explain to all the families," he said.
Nevertheless, Emil restore simple and honest attitude that,
the sense of one's religiousness. He feels fortunate to have
childhood religious education of both parents. Education was also
and then passed on to their children. "At the office's
lies between Dzuhur and Asr time.
How may we pray,
the Lord Almighty while there is money in your pocket
begituan? "Emil gave illustrations. On the other hand, he warned,
Either we should not make the child's respect because of missing
our behavior. "Poor, because of our actions, they are in school
the subject of rumors of his friends the other. "Emil, Sarwono,
Ma'rie, and Billy, a few figures mentioned
simple and clean. However, there are rows of brass
that have high integrity and dedication to
In fact, had occurred to people's expectations, not only on officials
a simple bertype, also for those who had already wealthy
before it took office. Just to mention an example, the entrepreneur A. Latief
which took office, the minister of labor. With the rich first,
Thus the general expectations of society, they are even more dedicated
their work.
Yes, simplicity does not guarantee full honesty and dedication
officials. Emil Salim was admitted. "But we will not want to be
kere. Normal. Each person would want to have a car, but how
normal. How to obtain wealth not to price yourself
lost, "he advised.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Weird Things That Happen in The World
01. Curse Car James Dean
In September 1955, James Dean died in a terrible car accident when he was driving a Porsche sports car. After that the car seems to be the bearer of bad cars.
a) When the car towed from the scene of the accident and taken to the garage, the engine off and fell on the mechanics, and destroy both legs.
b) Eventually the engine was bought by a doctor, who put it in the car racing and died after that, when he races. Other drivers, in the same race, was killed dimobilnya, drive shaft fitted with James Dean's.
c) The place where James Dean's Porsche fixed, ie a garage, damaged burned out.
d) Then the car was exhibited in Scramento, but suddenly broken hip broken and wounded a teenager.
e) In Oregon, the trailer where the car was repaired slipped and hit a shop.
f) Finally, in 1959, a mysterious car was broken apart into 11 sections.
02. Babies fall, saved two times by the same person
In 1930s Detroit, a young mother (who is very careless) to thank sebesar2nya on Figlock man named Joseph. We're Figlock streets, the young mother the baby fell from the window from upstairs and the Figlock. Both were unharmed and safe. Very lucky well, but a year later, the same baby fell from the same window, and just so happens that the same man walking underneath, and again both are good, well ... like a soap opera.
(Source: Mysteries of the Unexplained)
03. The bullet that reached the target after many years
Henry thought he was smart Ziegland away. In 1883, she broke up with her boyfriend, who then was stress and suicide. Laki2 girlfriend's brother was furious and came and shot him Ziegland. Once convinced he was killed Ziegland, he aimed the gun to himself and committed suicide. Ziegland fact only a scratch on his face and stray bullets and nyantol the tree. Of course Ziegland feel very lucky. Years later he decided to cut down the tree, with a bullet still nyantol. Because it was hard to cut down the tree he decided to blow it up using dynamite, unfortunate that the explosion was a bullet on his head, and he died instantly.
(Source: Ripley's Believe It or Not!)
04. Men Twins, whose life the twin
The story of identical twins whose lives are almost identical was surprising, but perhaps none is more amazing than this one. The story of twin brothers who came from Ohio, who were separated at birth, and adopted by different families. Do not know each other, both families named them with the same name, James. This was the beginning of the kebetulan2, Both James grew up without knowing each other, but both are undergoing training, implementing the law, interested in mechanical drawing and carpentry, and married a woman named Linda. Both have children named laki2 James Alan. They also divorced his wife and marries another woman, both have the name Betty. And both had dogs named Toy. After 40 years apart, these two men were reunited to share their lives and the twins. Sinetron really ... ..
(Source: Reader's Digest, January 1980)
05. Just like his Edgar Allan Poe
In the 19th century, the famous horror story writer, Egdar Allan Poe, wrote a book called 'The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym'. The story of the 4 survivors of a shipwreck washed up amid the sea berhari2 before deciding to kill and eat the cabin crew named Richard Parker. Many years later, in 1884, Mignonette sailboat, sunk, with only 4 people survived, and were stranded for days, finally senior 3 crew decided to kill and eat the cabin crew. Crew name is Richard Parker.
06. 3 foreigners on the train, with a complementary end
1920, 3 British men travel separately through Peru. When they met each other, only those people who are in train. Apparently their introduction more surprising than they imagined. The first man has a last name Bingham, the second man has last name Powell, and a third man has a last name Bingham-Powell, and they do not have civil relationships. (Source: Mysteries of the Unexplained)
07. Novel that predicted the Titanic destiny, and another ship that almost followed
Morgan Robertson, in 1898, wrote "Futility". Describing maiden voyage (voyage prime) from the luxury ship to cross the Pacific Ocean named Titan. Although many of these ships boasted could not sinking, the ship hit ice and sank by eating a lot of casualties. In 1912, Titanic, the luxury transatlantic liner, experiencing events depicted just as novel. If the novel, the month is April accident, the sinking of the Titanic event also April. If there are passengers in the novel 3000 people, the reality of 2207. In the novel there are 24 Lifeboat, in fact 20. A month after the Titanic sank, the ship traveling across the Atlantic wild hazy with a young child to control. When he remembers back on the Titanic, and remember that the name of the ship itself is Titanian, she began to shudder and stop the ship. That's when a large chunk of ice hit on the front line they passed. Titanian survived.
08. Twin brothers, killed in the same way, the difference in 2 hours
In 2002, the Civil-old twin 70s, was killed with one hour difference with the other in separate accidents on same road in southern Finland. The first was killed when hit by a lorry while riding his bike in Raahe, distance 600 km to the south of the capital, Helsinki. Is only 1.5 km from the scene where his brother was killed. "This is a historic chance, though well-known way busy, but accidents seldom happen here" police officer Marja-Leena Huhtala told Reuters. "Chilling time knew they were brothers.
(Source: BBC News)
09. Two brothers were killed the same taxi driver, a year range
In 1975, while driving moped in Bermuda, a man suddenly ditubruk taxi and killed instantly. One year later, this man's brother laki2 experiencing the exact same thing. In fact, he's riding the same moped. And even stranger, he ditubruk the same taxi and driven by the same driver, would that even more strange? Taxi passengers are carrying the same!
(Source: Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, John Michell and Robert JM Rickard)
10. A writer, found a book of her childhood
While American novelist Anne Parrish mencari2 books in bookstores Paris in 1920, he was interested in a book that used to be his favorite book - Jack Frost and Other Stories. He chose the old book and showed it to her husband, telling him that it was his favorite book when she was little. Her husband took and opened the book, on the first page he found the note "Anne Parrish, 209 N. Weber Street, Colorado Springs. ". (Source: While Rome Burns, Alexander Wollcott)
In September 1955, James Dean died in a terrible car accident when he was driving a Porsche sports car. After that the car seems to be the bearer of bad cars.
a) When the car towed from the scene of the accident and taken to the garage, the engine off and fell on the mechanics, and destroy both legs.
b) Eventually the engine was bought by a doctor, who put it in the car racing and died after that, when he races. Other drivers, in the same race, was killed dimobilnya, drive shaft fitted with James Dean's.
c) The place where James Dean's Porsche fixed, ie a garage, damaged burned out.
d) Then the car was exhibited in Scramento, but suddenly broken hip broken and wounded a teenager.
e) In Oregon, the trailer where the car was repaired slipped and hit a shop.
f) Finally, in 1959, a mysterious car was broken apart into 11 sections.
02. Babies fall, saved two times by the same person
In 1930s Detroit, a young mother (who is very careless) to thank sebesar2nya on Figlock man named Joseph. We're Figlock streets, the young mother the baby fell from the window from upstairs and the Figlock. Both were unharmed and safe. Very lucky well, but a year later, the same baby fell from the same window, and just so happens that the same man walking underneath, and again both are good, well ... like a soap opera.
(Source: Mysteries of the Unexplained)
03. The bullet that reached the target after many years
Henry thought he was smart Ziegland away. In 1883, she broke up with her boyfriend, who then was stress and suicide. Laki2 girlfriend's brother was furious and came and shot him Ziegland. Once convinced he was killed Ziegland, he aimed the gun to himself and committed suicide. Ziegland fact only a scratch on his face and stray bullets and nyantol the tree. Of course Ziegland feel very lucky. Years later he decided to cut down the tree, with a bullet still nyantol. Because it was hard to cut down the tree he decided to blow it up using dynamite, unfortunate that the explosion was a bullet on his head, and he died instantly.
(Source: Ripley's Believe It or Not!)
04. Men Twins, whose life the twin
The story of identical twins whose lives are almost identical was surprising, but perhaps none is more amazing than this one. The story of twin brothers who came from Ohio, who were separated at birth, and adopted by different families. Do not know each other, both families named them with the same name, James. This was the beginning of the kebetulan2, Both James grew up without knowing each other, but both are undergoing training, implementing the law, interested in mechanical drawing and carpentry, and married a woman named Linda. Both have children named laki2 James Alan. They also divorced his wife and marries another woman, both have the name Betty. And both had dogs named Toy. After 40 years apart, these two men were reunited to share their lives and the twins. Sinetron really ... ..
(Source: Reader's Digest, January 1980)
05. Just like his Edgar Allan Poe
In the 19th century, the famous horror story writer, Egdar Allan Poe, wrote a book called 'The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym'. The story of the 4 survivors of a shipwreck washed up amid the sea berhari2 before deciding to kill and eat the cabin crew named Richard Parker. Many years later, in 1884, Mignonette sailboat, sunk, with only 4 people survived, and were stranded for days, finally senior 3 crew decided to kill and eat the cabin crew. Crew name is Richard Parker.
06. 3 foreigners on the train, with a complementary end
1920, 3 British men travel separately through Peru. When they met each other, only those people who are in train. Apparently their introduction more surprising than they imagined. The first man has a last name Bingham, the second man has last name Powell, and a third man has a last name Bingham-Powell, and they do not have civil relationships. (Source: Mysteries of the Unexplained)
07. Novel that predicted the Titanic destiny, and another ship that almost followed
Morgan Robertson, in 1898, wrote "Futility". Describing maiden voyage (voyage prime) from the luxury ship to cross the Pacific Ocean named Titan. Although many of these ships boasted could not sinking, the ship hit ice and sank by eating a lot of casualties. In 1912, Titanic, the luxury transatlantic liner, experiencing events depicted just as novel. If the novel, the month is April accident, the sinking of the Titanic event also April. If there are passengers in the novel 3000 people, the reality of 2207. In the novel there are 24 Lifeboat, in fact 20. A month after the Titanic sank, the ship traveling across the Atlantic wild hazy with a young child to control. When he remembers back on the Titanic, and remember that the name of the ship itself is Titanian, she began to shudder and stop the ship. That's when a large chunk of ice hit on the front line they passed. Titanian survived.
08. Twin brothers, killed in the same way, the difference in 2 hours
In 2002, the Civil-old twin 70s, was killed with one hour difference with the other in separate accidents on same road in southern Finland. The first was killed when hit by a lorry while riding his bike in Raahe, distance 600 km to the south of the capital, Helsinki. Is only 1.5 km from the scene where his brother was killed. "This is a historic chance, though well-known way busy, but accidents seldom happen here" police officer Marja-Leena Huhtala told Reuters. "Chilling time knew they were brothers.
(Source: BBC News)
09. Two brothers were killed the same taxi driver, a year range
In 1975, while driving moped in Bermuda, a man suddenly ditubruk taxi and killed instantly. One year later, this man's brother laki2 experiencing the exact same thing. In fact, he's riding the same moped. And even stranger, he ditubruk the same taxi and driven by the same driver, would that even more strange? Taxi passengers are carrying the same!
(Source: Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, John Michell and Robert JM Rickard)
10. A writer, found a book of her childhood
While American novelist Anne Parrish mencari2 books in bookstores Paris in 1920, he was interested in a book that used to be his favorite book - Jack Frost and Other Stories. He chose the old book and showed it to her husband, telling him that it was his favorite book when she was little. Her husband took and opened the book, on the first page he found the note "Anne Parrish, 209 N. Weber Street, Colorado Springs. ". (Source: While Rome Burns, Alexander Wollcott)
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