
Monday, February 15, 2010

Did You Know??

Bat World Sanctuary is inhabited by bats that can not be released into the wild again. Including those once used for research, loss of parent, disability, sellers of animals seized from illegal, or too old to be placed in a zoo. ===================================== Chocolate bars made of chocolate once a bitter-sweet. Milk chocolate was introduced in 1875 by Henri NestlĂ©, maker of condensed milk and Daniel Peter, chocolate makers. Together they create a milk chocolate that is now favored by 80% of the world population. ===================================== When the type of people use the left hand about 56% compared with the right hand . ===================================== Namib Desert is the oldest desert in the world, and the only desert inhabited by elephants, rhinos, giraffes, and lions. ===================================== Emerson Moser, makers of Crayola crayons LLC, revealed at the time of retirement he was blind blue-green color and therefore he could not identify all the crayon colors Moser printing company produced more than 1.4 billion crayons for a career that lasted 37 years. ===================================== In Central Park, a park in New York City there are at least least 226,000 trees. ===================================== The first umbrella factory in the United States was founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1928 . ===================================== Approximately 80% of all people struck by lightning are male . ===================================== Since the Israeli occupation, from 9 million Palestinians, 6 million in which are located abroad. Of the 3 million who are in the country, more than half were in custody. ===================================== United States purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867 at a price of $ 7,200,000 or about 2 cents for every 4046.86 m². ===================================== Eagles can attack, kill, and carry prey up for deer While young Harpy eagle food from South America is a monkey. ===================================== A local regulations in Atwoodville, Connecticut claimed the banned play Scrabble while waiting their turn a politician speak.


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