
Monday, February 15, 2010

Impact Tip Stop Bad and the Addiction Game Online!!

Relationships with friends, family became estranged because of time with them is much reduced.
Our association is only in the game on line only, so that makes online gaming addicts become isolated from friends and real milieu.
Reduced social skills, so the more find it difficult to relate to others.
Behavior so rude and aggressive because it is affected by what we see and play the game online.

Our thoughts so constantly thinking about the game we're playing. We are so difficult to concentrate on study, work, absenteeism, or avoiding work.
Makes us so cool, indifferent, less concerned about the things that happen around us.
Do anything to be playing games, such as lying, stealing money, etc..
Accustomed to only interact with computers in one direction makes us so close, it is difficult to express himself while in the real environment.

Exposed to computer radiation exposure to light can damage the optic nerve and brain
Heart health declined due to staying up 24 hours playing games online. Kidneys and stomach are also affected by a lot of sitting, not drinking, forget to eat for fun playing.
Decreased body weight due to forgetting to eat, or it could also increase because a lot of snacking and lack of exercise
Easily tired when doing physical activity, physical health declined due to lack of exercise. The most serious is that it can result in death.

How to heal the online game addicts:

The most important element is the intention, determination and self control to be apart from online gaming addiction and re-organize the life was disrupted by addiction.
After no intent, we also need to recognize that we are powerless against keingian to play and recognize that our lives are so unfocused and disorganized due to the online game.
Pray, asking God's help and strength to be able to escape from this addiction.

Make a list of reasons why you want to stop addictive games on-line. We can ask the family or close friends to help us complete the list. Attach this list in a place easily seen by us to help strengthen our commitment.
Make a plan when we want to stop completely. Self-control is very important in this regard. Gradually reduce the frequency of online gaming.

Write down the perceived benefits for reducing and limiting online gaming. When we returned to play without knowing the time when we had stopped playing, it does not mean we fail to plan. It happens naturally. The important thing is we learn from our experience so that it does not happen again.


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